Edison W. Dick
Edison Dick is a lawyer in private practice with a focus on public international law. A graduate of Yale University and the University of Virginia Law School, Mr. Dick has served as General Counsel for the National Association of Marine Services (NAMS) since 1973. From 1968 to 1988 Mr. Dick was a partner in the law firm of Quinn, Jacobs, Barry & Dick (Washington Office of Chicago law firm). From 1976 to 1999 Mr. Dick served as Attorney Consultant to the American Bar Association's Section of International Law and, since 1979, as Executive Director of the American Bar Association's International Legal Exchange (ILEX) Program.

From 1999 to 2005 he was Chair and/or Co-Chair of the Section's United Nations Activities Committee. From 2005 until 2007, he was Deputy Policy Officer for the Section. Mr. Dick was President of the United Nations Association/National Capital Area from 1992 to 1995. Since 1995 he has served as a Board Member of the United Nations Association of the United States of America (UNA - USA). Mr. Dick was Chair of the Association's Advocacy Committee since its inception in the year 2000 until 2007. In 2007 he became Chair of the UNA's Committee on the World Federation of UNAs (WFUNA).

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