The Treasurer or designee shall place all funds of UNA-NCA in a banking institution, mutual fund, or brokerage firm regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The account shall be in the name of UNA-NCA. Withdrawal of such funds shall be made only by check. Except as provided below, checks shall be signed by two of the following: Chair of the Board, Treasurer, Chair of the Finance Committee, and the President of UNA-NCA, all of whom shall be bonded. In addition, any other person with responsibility for the financial affairs of UNA-NCA shall be bonded. The President may issue the following without obtaining an additional signature: checks for rent and other operational expenses consistent with the amount in the budget authorized by the Board, and other checks for programs and projects authorized by the Board up to $1,500. The President may also, by himself or herself, transfer funds between UNA-NCA accounts, duly established by any two of the qualified individuals noted above.

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